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Tips On Maintaining Great Customer Relationship

by BNI India

Business might have a peak season, networking though doesn’t need a season. It is a constant pursuit and requires you to be vigilant throughout. The smallest opportunity you get, make sure you take time out and drop by or call your super-customers.

Relationship building is an important task, especially with customers/clients who could be wooed by your competitor on the smallest pretext. Consistent meetings, get-togethers (official & unofficial), festive greetings in the form of sweets and cards will definitely take your relationship to the next level.

Dedicating some time to your customers in a day is not a bad idea. Ask them about their well being, make a quick check on family & business and finally end by asking them for any feedback for your product or service.

This will not only suggest that you care about their opinion, but also indicate that you are interested in their well-being too.

Make an effort to get to know the different dimensions of your customers. Take them out for a lunch or a drink. Invite them for some talks or lectures that you think will help their business too; it will also spring up possibilities to ideate, dialogue & discuss. Your relationship will develop layers instead of just being based on a surface level give & take.

They always say, ‘Don’t mix business with pleasure’ but in some cases, it helps! Squeeze some customer meetings during your business trips. Call them if you are in their town and ask them if they are free for a dinner. They too will be only happy to host you in every way. The gesture of calling them when in their town, itself is quite endearing and they will want to honour that gesture.

Knowing your customer is not that easy, especially if 50 other companies want to get to know them as much or even more than you do! Customer relationship is the backbone of your business, make sure you acknowledge it like that!

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