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Virtual Business Networking – New Era of Networking Events

by BNI India
new era of networking events - virtual business networking

The opportunity to meet new people face-to-face, and the potential for making connections that will add value to your business is the main reason why people attend networking events and conferences. But as the world becomes increasingly digital, will this stay the same? What does the future of networking look like?

Virtual conferencing is something we’ve all explored over the last year and a half, and although meeting face-to-face has distinct advantages, there are definitely benefits on the other side as well. Let’s get into them.

More efficiency

Attending a virtual conference means that you don’t have to travel. It’s far easier to dedicate an hour of your time to an online meeting than it is to find the time in your day to attend an event. With so many online networking platforms available, it’s now easy to make even hundreds of new connections without even having to leave your house. If you’re a working parent, there’s no doubt that online networking is more suited to your needs.

Unlimited opportunities

Attending an in-person event has its limitations. There is only so much time and, therefore, only so many people you can talk to. This is not the case with online networking. You are not limited by time or even by area. You can make connections with people who may be anywhere around the world and talk to them at the click of a button.

Cost efficient

Whether it’s the cost of travel, stay, and other expenses, or your personal branding and marketing materials, these are all costs that you save when you network online.


Online networking can be done on your own schedule. You’re not restricted by the time and location of the event. You get to decide how much time you want to spend on it and when you want to spend that time. You can make it work around your other responsibilities. And you can do it on the go.

A different format

Today, hosted virtual events have breakout rooms, networking lounges, ice-breaking activities, and much more. These differences all provide you with more opportunities to meet people in different ways. Instead of ‘working the room’ and having to plan your moves, opportunities are given to you. Event organizers are aware that they need to make virtual events as engaging and easy for attendees as possible, and that’s what they do.

Although we don’t see online networking taking the place of face-to-face networking, there is no doubt that it makes the networking process easier and more efficient in many ways. By balancing your networking time between virtual and in-person, you can exponentially expand your network and be at your most productive.

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