Home » Ways to Maximise Efficiency When Working From Home

Ways to Maximise Efficiency When Working From Home

by BNI India

Everywhere you look, be it television, newspapers, magazines or even social media platforms the new acronym most frequently in use is WFH (Work From Home). This concept which was followed by most companies as more of an exception just a few months ago has now become the new normal. We have previously looked at numerous aspects relating to working from home, today let us look at how you can most effectively maximise your efficiency levels when doing so.

Stick to Your Normal Work Schedule 

The reason this guideline is so frequently repeated is because it plays a crucial role in enabling you to seamlessly settle into the routine of working from home. Once you have established in your mind that the work from home day is exactly like your normal working day in office with just a change in venue, you will find yourself settling into the work routine faster. Follow your normal work schedule like:

  • Wake Up at the Same Time You Would on a Normal Work Day – This automatically makes you get right into the momentum. Waking up late not only throws your whole day’s schedule out of sync but also makes you feel lethargic and unwilling to sit down and work. 
  • Dress up in Office Clothes – It will automatically make you feel more professional in comparison to wearing a t-shirt and track pants.

Designate a Specific Work Area 

Yet another strategy to re-create an office like work environment which ensures you can carry out your work uninterrupted (by numerous factors like television, family, pets etc). Pick a spot which is secluded and make it your designated work space. As we had seen before investing in a good quality adjustable chair and work desk will not only enable you to work comfortably but also ensure you do not suffer from any muscle pain. 

Resist Distraction

The whole process of waking up at the normal time, dressing up in office clothes and working at a designated work space is to ensure you recreate the office atmosphere at home. In the absence of this disciplined approach you will be tempted to lounge on the sofa in your t-shirt and tracks while working on your laptop. You will probably have the television running in the background and every few minutes glance at the screen to keep up with whatever program you are watching. While this is definitely a fun way of working, it is unfortunately not the most effective, for not only will you not be able to concentrate fully on the tasks at hand but also end up working twice as long to complete them than you would in the office environment. 

To ensure you get to take a bit of a break during the course of your working day without being drawn completely into it, you can set aside your lunch break as a period of rest where you watch your favourite show, read a book, talk to your family or even indulge in your hobby. It will be a good idea to set aside exactly one hour for your lunch break (just as you would if you were in office), thereby ensuring you are not tempted to continue relaxing.

By maximising your efficiency during your working hours, you can complete your tasks well within the time frame and then be absolutely free to spend quality time with your family and with yourself doing the things you love.

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