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4 Tools You Can Use to Manage Your Professional Network Online

by BNI India
4 tools to manage professional network online

Finding the best tools to manage your professional network online should be at the top of any entrepreneur or professional’s to-do list.

Why? Because in an increasingly digitized world, the success of your business depends on utilizing every tool available. Through online networking, connections or opportunities that were once unthinkable have become possible.

Though networking online does require more thought, patience, and perseverance than in-person networking does, it also comes with distinct advantages. You’re able to plan your interactions in advance and can interact much more regularly than you would be able to in person. You can also make connections with people you have never actually met, which expands your network circle far beyond the area, or even the country you live in.

So, which are the best tools to use for online networking management? Read on to find out.


LinkedIn remains the best online networking tool for several reasons. With over 774 million members across 200+ countries, job boards, recommendations, brand awareness benefits, and marketing advantages – amongst many other benefits – a strong LinkedIn profile can open the door to an incredible range of opportunities. Enhance your career or start a new one, build new partnerships, find like-minded individuals, and get professional advice and expertise. LinkedIn really is a one stop shop for the needs of the modern networker.


Effective networking requires a lot more than just one meeting. Following up on connections is crucial, but it can be difficult to stay on top of everything. When did you last contact someone? When do you need to contact them again? Did you receive a reply but forget to respond? Followup takes care of all of that for you. It allows you to set reminders, follow up, auto follow up, schedule emails for a later date, or find out when someone opened your email. And it doesn’t stop there. Reminders can also be set for webpages, online conversations, or social media profiles.

Run the World

Apart from a catchy name, this platform has other benefits as well. Though not strictly a networking platform (it’s essentially a virtual event platform) it still brings with it unique networking tools, such as:

  • While attending a virtual event or presentation, you can break away from the main event for face-to-face interaction with other attendees
  • You can host a ‘Happy Hour’ when attendees can engage 1:1 or in small groups in an informal setting, perfect for socializing, and for enabling each attendee to be seen and heard
  • You get to host ‘Talks’ which have the option of group participation

Run the World has already been used for more than 40,000 events, by companies including Forbes, Amazon, TEDx, Harvard University, HP, Google, Stanford, World Economic Forum, and many others.


Networking is not just talking about you and your business. It’s equally, if not more important, to focus on the other person. Sending birthday wishes, promotion congratulations, industry information and articles, or opportunities are all great reasons to connect. Where does Newsle come in? Using information from either your LinkedIn or Facebook profile, it finds blogs or articles that mention you or anyone in your network and notifies you within seconds of one being published. Want to earn some extra brownie points? Share the article to your network. It’s an excellent way to build long-lasting professional relationships.

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