Home » BNI Success Story – Anil Kumar Gupta, BNI Fortune, Bengaluru

BNI Success Story – Anil Kumar Gupta, BNI Fortune, Bengaluru

by BNI India

The Blog Story – Anil Kumar Gupta

On July 22, 2017 I will be completing my 100th weekly blog and it all started with a story by Dr. Ivan Misner when he visited Mumbai during February 2011.

Ivan spoke about Sir Richard Branson passing by and inquiring him as to why he was alone in the hall whereas rest of the guest were enjoying at the swimming pool. Ivan explained about his commitment of writing weekly blogs and the night deadline by which he must complete the blog.

Thereafter Ivan reversed engineered to understand how he happened to be at the Necker the private island of Sir Richard Branson and that became the topic of that weekly blog.

Around end August 2015 I too decided to write my weekly blog every Saturday and will be completing my 100th blog on July 22, 2017. I have stuck to weekly blogs though there have been weeks when I finished early (before Saturday) and even carried forward few pending blogs but always ensured that I strictly maintain 1 blog every week.

If you search corporate gifts blog then you will find my blog as number ONE so let me not provide you the link to the blog. My bigger success was to go in depth of my business to understand it better to write a weekly blog from last 2 years and that resulted in much better insights. Needless to say that a lot of new inquiries are being generated by my weekly blogs.

Hope to hear few more members start writing their weekly blogs hereafter…

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