Home » BNI Success Story – Farzana Suri – BNI SOL, Mumbai West

BNI Success Story – Farzana Suri – BNI SOL, Mumbai West

by BNI India


I am a 3 year old member going on 4. When I joined BNI, like many others, I thought “what can this platform give me?” From there the unlearning and relearning process began for me in entrepreneurship and networking for referral generation. Being a member of a Chapter, you typically look for referrals for your Chapter family. So, when I became a Director Consultant, the meaning of ‘GIVING” got entrenched deeper. The RAS(Reticular Activity System) as Dr Ivan Misner, our Founder mentions frequently in his illuminating podcasts, got super, hyper activated. It makes my ears perk up whenever I hear the words, “I’m looking to connect…” And, that feeling of connecting two people for business growth and partnership is so rewarding and incredible.

A few months ago, a member of another Chapter reached out to me with the strangest of requests. He said,”Farzana, I need your help and only YOU can make it happen!” I replied, “Tell me how can I help? I’ll do all it takes.” The member continued, “I need Ostrich eggs!”

My mind whirred and I spluttered, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” The member continued, “No, I know you can do it.” There was a finality and dependency in his words which I couldn’t ignore.

As a BNI member, you know what to do. I reached out to all the Whatsapp Chat Groups I was in. Thank God, for this communication age we live in, I muttered to myself. A few hours later, another member responded. There is a member who owns a private zoo in Mumbai and maybe, just maybe, he’ll be able to help. I got his coordinates and immediately swung into action.

I called the member and put in the request, “I need Ostrich eggs. Do you think you can help?‘” He was perplexed, “What on earth for?” I continued, “It’s important and a member needs it urgently. Please, can you help him?

The next words out of his mouth were a relief and had me in a jig, “Well, I can’t arrange Ostrich eggs as there is a legal procedure in that which needs to be met, however….”

I waited with bated breath, “Go on“, I said hurriedly. “I can arrange EMU eggs, will that do?” I told him to wait. I got on to another call with the member who needed the eggs. And, asked, “Hey, will Emu eggs do?” His animated reply was, “Yes, yes!! It’ll do!” I excitedly patched both the members. And, the emu eggs found their home.

Now, you might be wondering, what did he need theses eggs for in the city of Mumbai? I was curious, too! The member wanted to craft designs on the ostrich egg as a valentine gift for his girlfriend. The eggs are large and provide for good creativity and craftsmanship. Check it online, in case you’re curious.

The member called back, “You did it, I knew you would!”

I responded, gleefully, “It’s BNI, my friend, It’s the magic pot that can create amazing wonders!”

I’m so glad for BNI. If there is anything that can’t be done or anyone who can’t be reached – Come to BNI!”

Thank you, Dr Ivan Misner and Thank you, BNI!

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