Home » BNI Success Story – Sanjay Singh – BNI Nagpur (Andesite)

BNI Success Story – Sanjay Singh – BNI Nagpur (Andesite)

by BNI India

On my first day in BNI, when I was listening to the 30 seconds presentation of each member in my chapter, I kept on wondering as to how I can increase my positive visibility in the chapter. (Of course, I did not know about the VCP process of BNI on that day)

As a Sales Trainer, I decided to conduct FREE Training programs for Andesite fellow members every Wednesday from 9-10 am, in my office and called this initiative, Sales ki Pathshala: Your weekly dose of Sales Management.

On the first day, we had only 7 members. Since then we have conducted 14 programs in 14 consecutive weeks(no breaks). After the 4th week, we opened this forum for all SME CEO’s and sought the help of fellow Andesite members to invite SME CEO’s known to them on our behalf. Last week we had 96 visitors out of which 21 were Andesite members.

This initiative, all thanks to BNI, has created a new channel for lead generation in my business wherein SME CEO’s who come to attend my free training capsules also register for my consulting services. As on date, 12 members of my chapter have already shown faith in our competency of Sales Coaching and are billing with us for Rs 235000/month.

Truly, Givers Gain philosophy has worked great for me and I am indebted to BNI for the same.

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