Home » BNI Success Story – Shonaleei Datta

BNI Success Story – Shonaleei Datta

by BNI India


Name * Shonaleei Somnath Datta
Chapter * High Flyers
BNI Region * Delhi Central

BNI has been like a magic wand for me!! I have been in BNI since 2013; as soon as I started my entrepreneurial venture after 21 years in corporate HR, in multinational companies. Today my Executive Coaching and Corporate training business; which I started in Bangalore is flourishing successfully in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune and Chennai. This year we have started our associate model in US and Singapore. 80% of my business comes from BNI, and I have not had to worry about sales, even while shifting my base from Bangalore to Gurgaon.

BNI journey has not only been professionally gratifying, in my personal goals too its been instrumental. It is through BNI that I found my marathon running buddies and till date I have completed 10 marathons. Whenever I want something done the BNI family genie makes it happen for me!!


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