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How to Turn Your Contacts to Referral Sources

by BNI India

How often in business do we end up having a few clients or associates regularly refer new prospects to us? Would we like to have them refer more business to us on an ongoing basis? Do you think it is possible? The good news is – YES! This is possible and has been working wonders for several entrepreneurs around the world. This is a great space to be in because it helps you build your business ties on deeper levels. To get someone to refer you more often you need to train them to become a Referral Partner. That is someone who goes about their normal working day looking for business for you without having to think about it. Just imagine a group of people who did that for you every day free of charge and loved doing it for you. What would your business look like? A bit better perhaps or even fantastic!

  1. What is a good referral for you

Teach them what type of business is really good for you. Not just OK but really good so that they can find quality opportunities for you. This means they will bring you quality referrals all the time. Chasing quality referrals is the best investment of your working time to grow your business. Wouldn’t you agree?

  1. Train them to find introducers

Train them how to find introducers for you. These are people who sell complimentary products to the clients that you want. Getting even one such connection can do a whole lot of good to your business. A good introducer could end up being a quality Referral Partner.

  1. Be in touch

If you already have someone who refers a lot of business to you, how often do you contact them? It should be at least weekly or maybe even daily. I know people who pass thousands and lakhs of business to each other. How often do you think they talk to each other? They develop a relationship that goes beyond business, they build personal rapport, understand each other’s personalities better, know each others families too…after all unless you know, like and trust someone, you wouldn’t want to be doing business with them in the long run, would you?

  1. Say thank you often and mean it

When someone refers you business it a great opportunity for you to show them your gratitude and share with them how they are contributing to your prosperity. Thank them genuinely and carry out little acts that matter – like inviting them for dinner, sending them passes to their favorite sport or just offering to help them with their problems.

Try these things with all those people who have been referring business to you and see your relationship with them go to a whole new level. Good things happen when good people meet. Great things happen when you express your gratitude to such relationships.

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