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Lunch Meetings V/s Office Meetings.

by BNI India

Looking to set up a client meeting? Try a lunch meeting, you will not regret it!

Gone are the days when formality took precedence and when meetings happened only in the office premises. Nowadays, people pick comfort over formality.

Lunch meetings may suggest a casual or informal texture to the meeting, but it may not be. You could be as formal in putting forward your ideas as you would in office. Lunch meetings in a restaurant chosen by you preferably put your client in a comfortable position because of the neutral environment. Meeting at your office or the client’s office would put either of you in a powerful position.

A neutral space endorses equality in the conversation.

There will definitely be fewer distractions. In the office, co-workers, ringing phones, simultaneous meetings, and entries and exits will always throw away the client’s focus. A restaurant, though busy & noisy, will keep him/her more focussed on you, as the client is unlikely to be interested in random conversations or noise.

Pick a restaurant that is busy or full, you will get time to talk about things apart from work The business talk will get done before you finish eating, and you will be left with more time to talk about family and other interests. This will build credibility & trust.

And finally, of course without saying if you are hosting it is most likely that you’ll pay the bill. But with everyone going Dutch these days, the client might offer to share; but it is best if you politely refuse the offer. You paying the bill will symbolise that you honour your relationship with client and your duty as host. Since it is you who has initiated the meeting, it is only fair that you pay the check.

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