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Stories Sell, Facts Only Tell

by BNI India

Of the plenty of businesses that thrive today, there is unlimited competition in every field. Add to this the dynamic economic weather conditions that entrepreneurs face, one cannot deny that it is becoming increasingly challenging to survive, grow and position oneself in the market. With several players offering similar products and services as you, how are you going to make it in this business?

Highlighting your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is one of the techniques that have become central to positioning your business and differentiating yourself from your competition. Superior quality, timely delivery, professional approach to working with clients are no longer considered as USPs, these are a given, core to your very existence and survival in this competing environment. So how then, does one offer something different and unique and make it a great business.

Of the several articles, blogs and podcasts I’ve been following, one thing stands out. This one thing will always remain unique to you, and explains why you do what you do and how you show up in your business. This one thing is YOUR STORY.

Your story, your passion, your WHY for what you and how you do it is a huge differentiating factor and is a no competition point. Your experiences of life, your learning and your takeaways are only for you. Spend some time this week focusing on the WHY of your business and what is YOUR STORY for being here in the first place. You will be astounded when you see the connection. Coming from an emotion, you always stand a better chance to win business and new clients in a non transaction format. So where do you go looking for your story? The following pointers may be helpful:

  1. Childhood: Research shows that 90 percent of our today is based out of childhood experiences, good or bad. For eg., you may have never excelled at sports and may have always let down your basketball team in school by not scoring a basket.
  1. Feel the moment: Once you identify that moment, live there for sometime. What were some of the emotions you felt then? Rejection by your team, self disappointment, felt like a failure?
  1. Analyse what it meant to you: Did you feel uplifted or let down by your performance and what did the world around you feel about you.
  1. What you do today: And how it has its roots in that childhood experience. For eg., today I train professionals by imparting selling and marketing skills so they don’t face failure in what they do and are accepted and appreciated by their organizations and teams. I know what failure feels like.
  1. Connect the dots: Now that you have your unique story, you elaborate it or shorten it based on the situation and make a conversation shooting from this aspect with your clients and you’ll see the difference. You will no longer be in the transactional mode of business. You will start to build long term relationships with your customers based on your emotions and your story which they will connect to beautifully and will be highly inclined to work with you.

It is no wonder then that the adage stands true – facts tell and stories sell. For the next few networking events you attend and for the new client meetings or old client catch ups you go for, come from your WHY, YOUR STORY and you’ll find a whole new dimension of doing business opening up for you.


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