Home » Success Stories And What They Really Mean

Success Stories And What They Really Mean

by BNI India

Being a member of BNI for a few months or many years, one learns how to speak about his success stories at a chapter meeting. Success stories are little or big successes that members achieve in their work life, by delighting their clients. During the 30 second presentation, members use their success story as a way to communicate their USP as well as build a pitch to make the right ask at the end of the presentation. Most members in their enthusiasm to share the success story, end up giving numbers like the value of the order or how many pieces of a product they sold.

As a visitor to a chapter or as a member, what does this mean to us as members of your sales team? OK, so you have clinched a deal of Rs. 10 lacs and above. Although it may be a good idea to do this to build some short term credibility, numbers don’t really have a huge impact when it comes to your sales team speaking on your behalf to a potential referral source. Agreed, it is a landmark victory for your business, but how would that translate in to me getting you a referral this week based on your success story.

Think this over, mull over it for a bit and then read more.

Value of the business done is only a number after all and means nothing substantial for the listener. Although I don’t fully overrule the importance, I feel there are better ways in which a success story can be shared. For me, the core of your success story lies in communicating to your audience what is the pain your client was facing and how you helped reduce or eliminate that pain for them through your product or service.

When a success story holds a value addition, it instantly connects with the listener. For eg., my client was fed up of being taken for a ride by several realtors who showed him dream homes for sale that did not have clear titles to ownership. Along with being a waste of time and de-motivating for the client, it also takes away trust from his mind. He begins to feel more vulnerable. So as a residential realtor, I shortlist only those properties that have clear titles, NOCs in place and all other documentation being transparent and updated. As a member of this realtor’s sales team it becomes very easy for me to get him a referral. Do you see the point I am trying to make?

Our success stories sell, while the amount of business done is only a fact. Stories hold an emotional charge around them and hence connect instantly with people and stay on in their memory. So the next time you plan to share your success story with anyone, give this idea a shot and tell us what impact it had. Happy networking!


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