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The Power Of Relationships For Leadership Success

by BNI India

A leader’s role is to bring together people from different areas and mindsets and focus them towards a common outcome. To achieve this goal, an effective leader needs to be able to build strong interpersonal relationships. 

Today’s leaders need to focus on building relations in various ways by understanding the needs and roles of people from different areas of expertise. 

Let’s discuss the top three aspects where the power of building relationships serves a leader best and help them deliver. 

Inspire teams to perform:

In the modern world of global business, teams are spread across the globe. Leaders have to be adept at navigating personal, social, and cultural norms to create rapport with their team members. 

Once the rapport is established and the team trusts the leader, they can bring together teams will different skills and focuses to collaborate. It is well-known that cross-team collaborations lead to increased efficiency and better outcomes. 

Be inclusive:

Creating a work environment that is inclusive and appreciative of everyone’s effort is a skill that a leader must have. The best ideas are generated when everyone across disparate teams feels heard and seen enough to contribute. Collaboration leads to inspired solutions which leads to better cost-effectiveness, increased efficiency, and better customer satisfaction. 

Consider the community:

Leaders who care inspire the most. Teams and people tend to listen to the leaders whom they see caring about the community around them. This approach builds trust and such leaders are able to cater to the best interests of the community.  

Building trusting relationships takes time. Leaders who are willing to listen to everyone are able to extract the best ideas and design innovative solutions. By taking the time to understand everyone’s point of view, they show that they care about keeping every team member as a part of a cohesive unit. That is the power of relationships!

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