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How To Take Relationships Beyond The Networking Event

by BNI India

Networking events are a great opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and establish valuable business relationships. However, without the right approach, these connections can quickly fade away. From the art of a perfect follow-up to keeping in touch and offering value, networking events are a goldmine of business opportunities. Let’s decipher how to turn a networking connection into a long-lasting, mutually beneficial business relationship. 

Follow Up Promptly

After the event, send a quick follow-up email or message to the people you met. It will help keep you top of mind and show that you’re genuinely interested in maintaining the relationship.

Schedule A Call Or Meeting 

Once you’ve made initial contact, schedule a call or meeting to discuss potential business opportunities or ways you can help each other. This way, you can learn more about their professional and personal interest. 

Offer Value

One of the best ways to build a strong business relationship is to offer value to the other person. It could be in the form of a valuable introduction, a piece of helpful advice, or a referral to a potential client.

Keep In Touch

Business relationships take time to develop, so stay in touch with the people you have met at the networking event. When regular emails and social media interactions are a good option, you can also catch up at a future event together.

Be Authentic 

Be honest about your intentions and be clear about what you can offer in a potential relationship. Remember that it’s not about getting something for yourself, it’s about finding ways to help each other.

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