Attending networking events (either face-to-face or online) is an excellent way to meet and develop longstanding ties with other members of the business community. Let us look at how you can best utilise the opportunity to interact with people from different spheres of the business world and create a genuine connect with them.
- True to Yourself
This lies at the top of the list because if you want to build really strong and long lasting business relationships then you need people to see and appreciate you for who you are. All the tips mentioned below don’t mean anything if you feel that you are playing a role every time you meet a peer, so remain true to who you are . Beyond making an extra effort to be more sociable, just be yourself. If you are genuine and warm in your interactions with people, they will definitely respond with the same level of warmth.
- Personal Connect
During the course of any conversation at a business event the mantra should be to talk less and listen more. Take time to listen to other peoples’ success stories, in case they are encountering any issues which you have the expertise to solve, offer your assistance.
If they accept your offer, do everything within your power to solve their issues. People always appreciate someone who makes good on their promise. Also, always keep in touch with people you meet, even if you know for a fact that they are not in a position to help your business.
- Creating Opportunities
An integral part of creating a personal connect is that even if you can’t personally help out in any situation but happen to know just the person who will be the perfect solution to their problem, then go right ahead and introduce them. Be the one who facilitates what could go on to become a successful collaboration. You may not reap any benefit from this collaboration, but the one thing you will definitely get is a sense of satisfaction for having selflessly helped two individuals achieve their goals.
- Building Relationships
Your selfless act will definitely earn you the respect and trust of your peers in the business community. At the end of the day this is the true benefit of enhancing your networking skills, creating the people to people connect. All the above mentioned factors tie in to build not just business connections but also to secure lifelong relationships.