So what’s a logo for? Brand retention in just a blink.
What makes the world’s best logos the best..?
Apple, Google, Facebook, Nike, Mcdonalds-these brands have logos that we just can’t forget even if we want to.
These are 5 things your logo should be:
- Simple: No better example than Nike’s swoosh, which follows the famous K.I.S.S principle to the tee-Keep It Simple Stupid-Simple logos are easily recognizable, memorable, retention is better when it’s on any fast moving surface too. For eg, you can’t miss the Nike swoosh even while driving past it.
- Memorable: Well, if it’s simple it’s going to be easy to remember. This is where Paul Rand’s (one of America’s most renowned art directors & graphic designers) expert words come in, “It merely indicates that a one-to-one relationship between a symbol and what it symbolized is very often impossible to achieve and, under certain conditions, objectionable. Ultimately, the only mandate in the design of logos, it seems, is that they be distinctive, memorable, and clear.” — Paul Rand
- Timeless: Just like your service, your logo too, needs to be consistent. Brand retention can be successfully achieved by longevity and so your logo must be compatible with changing times. Ensure it stands the test of time and trends.
- Versatile: The logo’s colour & size must be compatible with various media & applications. For example, a logo designed in vector format is scalable to any size. Experts suggest working with black & white first so that one concentrates on the concept rather than the shape. The best example of a versatile logo-WWF.
- Appropriateness: Your logo needs to speak to your target market. For eg, a law firm or hardware company wouldn’t have the same kind of logo a toy or fashion company would have. The colours, font, concept everything will completely opposite. In fact, gender, class, age all of these play a major role in designing the logo.
Logos by itself can’t speak for the company, but of course, after the audience is introduced to the company and has experience as its customer, the logo helps retain the image your service or product has created. A logo acts as identification and based on your services acts as positive/negative retention.