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How to Master the Art of Online Networking in 2021

by BNI India
How to Master the Art of Online Networking in 2021

How many of you feel networking is a skill better suited to extroverts? You may still be apprehensive about being at massive networking events and not knowing how to meet people and discuss business. With the work from home option on the rise, networking has opened ways for both introverts and extroverts to make connections online. Read on to discover how you can create significant digital associations and opportunities for business growth through the virtual domain.

Start with a Clear Online Profile

Whether you use LinkedIn or any other social media platform, go that extra mile to add more personal information. Add your interests, hobbies, college or universities studied in, location and highlights which you wouldn’t mind others knowing. These titbits of data help you connect with like-minded individuals. Finding common ground builds trust and makes it easier to strike up conversations.

Positive Attitude

It doesn’t matter if it’s virtual or in-person—networking can yield results in life if you have a positive attitude. It is interesting to note that some people begin their day by sending a positive phrase or quote via email or social media platforms. Positivity attracts more referrals consistently in the form of friends, family and third-party referrals.

Showcase ‘You’

Send network requests with more personal and meaningful messages demonstrating what you are all about and what business you do. In addition to sharing helpful resources, adding value to your connections, do not forget to leave thoughtful remarks on your connection’s posts as well. This will go a long way in building rapport. 

Meaningful Association

Often, we send requests to people with similar backgrounds. But, what is the point in just having heaps of connections without meaningful interactions? With the information gathered from an online profile you can spark a more personalised chat which will put both parties at ease. The care quotient works well, as it shows you have tried to link common interests to comprehend the association and essentially build trust.

Nurture Your Network

The idea of building your network indeed is to improve your business. However, referrals are a two-way street and it is important to offer help to others before asking for referrals. Build trust and relationships virtually by using a common online platform to share ideas, writeups, brainstorm and meet up on Zoom or Teams! It could be more engaging and result-oriented, especially for those waiting for an opportunity to revamp their business after the economic slow down.


While networking online, you ought to consider the purpose behind it. You may want to meet key people in your industry, take your business to the next level or even learn about a new business that may interest you. With the unlimited opportunities that the online domain gives you, it is critical to design your networking competently and ensure quality exchanges every time.

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